Would you like to advertise your business, an event or share some information with the residents in your local community? This is the perfect opportunity to publicise any of your planned Coronation Celebration Events too….
The next issue of The Barton Town Council publication The Bartonian is now in production. The Bartonian is the place to find out about local news and events is delivered to over five thousand households by a team of volunteers. The changes have resulted in positive feedback and we are confident that it is well read by Barton residents.
The next issue will be delivered to Barton households from early March 2023, if you are planning to send an article could we have your copy by Thursday 23 February 2023, 5pm at the latest allowing time for preparations for this issue. All submissions must be sent as a text only word document with any images in separate files with the file size no less than 1MB to ensure good resolution. With a free article we cannot guarantee what is included, the design team look at what space is left after the main articles and adverts go in then it’s down to size. We leave it to the designer who is independent, doesn’t have any affiliation to any groups to decide what is included, it is purely done on layout.
If you wish to send a mock up pdf in addition to the material it will be sent to the designer as a guide only. If you wish to have an exact format then a paid advert is the other option when you can have exactly what you want within the prescribed advert size.If you would like any further information please contact info@bartonuponhumbertowncouncil.gov.uk or deputyclerk@bartonuponhumbertowncouncil.gov.uk

We look forward to hearing from you.